


Sheridan Hotel, Rosemont, IL

June 14 2003 - June 15, 2003

This was the 2nd annual convention mainly focused on HORROR called Flashback Weekend. This year the Klingons were involved and contacted us to see if we wanted to join them. After all The Klingons and Stormtroopers strike FEAR in everyone!

Anyway the weekend was very fun, we Met several actors including Keven McCarthy from the original "Invasion of the Body Snachers" and FREDDY KRUGER himself, Robert England. Robert was ferry kool and was very interested in talking to us as we were to talk to him, He took time to take pictures with us and even wanted TK669 and I to arrest him for one shot. He even had his publicist take a photo and asked if it was OK with us to put it on HIS website.

We were also filmed for a up coming Halloween special that will be airing locally here on WCIU The "U"

On Sunday we had the HONOR of embarrassing Mancow. He showed up the the con just as a regular visitor, TK669 and I snuck up behind him, pointed or blasters at his head and startled him! Then the Klingons went up to him and informed him that they wanted to arrest him for "Crimes to TWO Empires". This was after he maid a comment about how he had other real stormtroopers at his wedding. No way we were posing for pics with him!

Other photos from this event can be found on Thomas's web site by CLICKING HERE

Rebels Andrew, Chunk and Mandy arrest TK118 Rebels Andrew, Chunk and Mandy arrest TK118 TK669 Freddy and TK118 The Con Klingons with Robert England
TK669 and TK118 arrest Robert England TK669 and TK118 arrest Robert England I caught ya Robert says TK118 Klingons with Robert England Klingons with Robert England
Robert and TK118 TK669 and TK118 take Robert England prisoner... AGAIN The gang meets Robert England
Buckets on
trek & wars & Freddy
Buckets off
Freddie's friends
Klingons and troopers Klingons and troopers MINE!
BH669 and TK118 fight it out
Thomas the emperor clone, TK118 and BH669 Our new Klingon friends
Don't ask
Bijaj shows how to use a Klingon can opener on TK118 and TK669 Bijaj VS TK118 & TK669 Troopers cant win them all I SAID ITS MINE!
Tk118 fight over bounty
OK Mancow. Lets talk about that wedding thing! Mancow is shown what happens when he disrespects the Imperial Forces! When Empires seek peace NEVER piss off 2 troopers like these! OOOOH those eyes! SW & ST
Los Tres Caballeros TK118, Chunk, Mandy Klingon, Andrew and BH669 Thomas the Sith Lord
Click Here
for his pics
Clone Trooper?
So my Great grandfather clonetrooper CT118 left me this helmet
What can I say?
Chicks dig the armor
My Autographed Freddy Vs Jason Poster
Signed by Robert England
This is the reaction from Keven McCarthy when confronted by a Stormtrooper My "UHF" laser disc.
Austographed by Weird Al, Emo Philips and Kevin McCarthy
TK118 and TK669 kid you not!
TK118 and TK669 arrest a Klingon TK118 and TK669 arrest a Klingon AGAIN 4 heads are better than 3 Mandy, Andrew and Chunk...
The 3 Amegos
Con promoter says..
"Honest guys, I will get you in to see Mr. England







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Last modified: April 09, 2009

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