On April 12th 2007 Member of the 501st came together to help support, and
promote the long awaited showing of "Heart of an Empire" A documentary film
about "The life and times of the 501st". at the Wisconsin Film Festival in
Madison WI.
Most of us arrived at just before 2pm, for our seek peek at the film in the
green room of the theater by the producer and creator of the film, Jay.
As to not give too much away I will leave out details, but lets say we were not
disappointed. 5 years in the making, and the 501st come off looking as we should
GREAT!, Jay did the film and the 501st well and did not follow the path the the
creators of that OTHER documentary did with the Star TREK fans making them look
like .... Well NOT GOOD!
After seeing the film we all suited up and took to the streets. We invaded most
of the campus and caused quite a stir if I say so myself. As we always do, we
took pics, chate with the locals and spread the word about HOAE and had a great
time. We trooped until about 9:30pm when the show stated.
Below are a few links to articles and online stuff about our adventure