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TK118 (AKA Tom) has been part of the Midwest Garrison
of the 501st Legion since 2000. And the Midwest Base of the Rebel Legion
since 2008.
His tours of duty are many. Dragoncon in Atlanta, Wizardworld in Chicago,
Star Wars Exhibit openings in Philadelphia and Minneapolis,
Gencon in Milwaukee, premiers of “Attack Of The Clones” and "Revenge of The
Sith", Celebration 2, 3 and 4 MANY MANY others.
But his favorites are those involving children, such as the visit to The
Children's Hospital in Atlanta, Dukes B-day party and parades.
He Was been voted Midwest Garrison Trooper of the Month For July 04', July
06' And Feb 07'
And also voted 501st Legion Trooper of the month for Jan 07'
TK118 gets a Shout out on the 501st Podcast #4 Listed at about the
43:30 min mark. ...
TK118 gets interviewed for Episode 15 of the podcast
Below are the official 118 501st & Rebel Legion Trading cards
TK118 |
TI118 |
TR118 Prototype |
C-3PO |
TC 118 |
MWG Parade |
Contact Information
Yea ... Just Email me or PM / IM me on Yahoo!, look for tk1182000
Also on Twitter ..
the_real_tk118 and
